Erm...should say that I went to pick it up at the pos office today because of the heavy rain and it's only a slight chance that a posman will wade through the pouring rain to deliver it to me.
1) As usual, a thick layer of cushioning to minimize any harm that would happen during shipping.
2) Packing of the new Pandinus imperator scorpling, my first scorpion !
3) A container(now i got a container for perhaps an arboreal tarantula sling) packed with sphagnum moss and some surprises inside :)
4) Vial contaning the scorpling,with label.
5) Closeup of the African Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator).
6) Surprise within the moss - Dubia roaches (Balaptica dubia)! This is just one of the bigger nymphs. They're going to be my colony starter.
7) Temporary housing for the roaches and some springtails. Can you spot them? LOL
I've got to say that I;m really satisfied with this shipment. Thumbs up ;) ! ! !
Thanks Andrew.
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